Filming on TTC property
1. Filming on TTC property
There are great locations on the TTC to make your filming project a success. Stations such as Bay Lower can be used during regular revenue service, exclusively with your own train, making the whole process more film-friendly.
Tourists, families and individuals filming or photographing within the public areas of the transit system for non-commercial purposes, are not expected to contact the TTC to obtain permission or a permit so long as such filming/photographing does not interfere with the safe and orderly operation of the transit system and/or our customers. For safety reasons, filming is not allowed during rush hour, tripods and flash photography are not allowed at platform level at any time.
Thank you for your interest in filming on TTC property. Please review the Cost Schedule and sample Agreement Letter to assist you with your submission for filming/photographing on TTC property. For further information contact the TTC Film Liaison, by calling 416-393-3764.