Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy

The Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy was developed to support the community by providing barrier-free, accessible service that is efficient, reliable and available.

2. Summary

Beginning in 2017, we started transitioning to a more equitable eligibility process, as mandated by the AODA, by opening up our eligibility criteria to include any person with a disability that prevents a person from taking conventional transit for all or part of their trip.

Currently there are two categories of eligibility that exist: Temporary and Permanent. A third category will be added beginning in January 2017: Conditional. Conditional eligibility would be given to a person with a disability for which environmental or physical barriers limit their ability to consistently use conventional public transit.

With the addition of new eligibility, we expect to see demand increase dramatically. In order to make sure that we can continue to provide all of the trips requested, we need to find new, smarter ways of delivering our services.

The Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy was discussed during the February 25, 2016 Board Meeting.
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