TTC developing a new Wayfinding Strategy to help enhance customer experience

Complete the Wayfinding Survey until November 12

The TTC is developing a new Wayfinding Strategy to help improve its maps, signage and audio announcements customers use when travelling through the system. The strategy will also cover, accessibility, language, universal design, connections to transit agency partners, illumination of pathways and sustainability. It will also examine third-party digital and physical assets, looking at how they intersect with the TTC.

To help inform the strategy, the TTC wants feedback!

Customer Wayfinding Strategy Survey

Complete the Wayfinding Strategy Survey until November 12, 2024. The responses will remain confidential and will help inform the strategy and improve the information provided customers.

This strategy is one element being created to help streamline and modernize the customer communications, as per the 2024-2028 Corporate Plan. 

Visit this page regularly for more information about the strategy.

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