Engaging with the TTC Board and Committees

The TTC Board encourages people to engage in the decision-making that may affect them, their business and the community. There are two ways to join in the important conversations that take place during TTC Board and Committee meetings:

Meetings of the TTC Board and Committees are public and are live-streamed and archived on the TTC’s YouTube channel (opens in a new window). Any personal information included in your correspondence or deputation may be made public through the Board meeting process and as part of the archived meeting record.

Submitting Correspondence

Correspondence may be submitted on any item which appears on a meeting agenda. Please address your correspondence to the:
  • TTC Board Chair and Commissioners; or
  • TTC Audit & Risk Management Committee Chair and Commissioners.
Correspondence can be submitted up to the start of the meeting by sending it in an email to  commissionservices@ttc.ca and including the following information:
  • Your name;
  • The name of any organization that you are representing (if applicable); and
  • The relevant agenda item number and title.

You can submit correspondence in the body of an email or attach an electronic document.

Correspondence is provided to TTC Commissioners and staff in advance of the meeting and is added to the archived historical record. Correspondence is not typically posted to the TTC website or displayed as part of the meeting live-stream, though it may be discussed during the meeting.

Making a Deputation

A member of the public can request to make a deputation (presentation) to the TTC Board or its Committees. Deputations are limited to five (5) minutes in length and may be followed by questions from Commissioners. During the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings of the Board and its Committees are being conducted by electronic means. TTC Commissioners, staff and the public are participating in meetings remotely. These measures are necessary to comply with public health guidelines and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Presenters will participate in meetings by audio only and are required to provide a telephone number on which they can be reached at the appropriate time. Presenters may submit a written deputation in the form of correspondence, which will be circulated to TTC Commissioners and staff.

The TTC Bylaw to Govern Board Proceedings requires that deputations:

  • Be made on Action items only, unless the Board has given notice at a previous meeting that it will hear deputations on an information item; and
  • Relate to a matter that is within the Board’s mandate.

You can request to make a deputation by emailing commissionservices@ttc.ca 

Deputation requests will be accepted until 12:00 p.m. (noon) of the business day immediately before the meeting day. Please provide the following information in your request for deputation:

  • Your basic personal information;
  • The agenda item number and title to which you wish to speak; and
  • A brief description of the reason for your deputation and how it is related to the agenda item.

You may also submit written material as correspondence to support your deputation (see Submitting Correspondence above).

To prepare for your presentation, we recommend that you:

  • Read the materials that make up the agenda item, as posted to the meeting page;
  • Watch or listen to past deputations to understand the process, formality, etc.
  • For virtual meetings, test your internet and telephone connection in advance of the meeting.

On the day of the meeting, deputations will typically be received at the start of each agenda item. We are unable to provide a time when specific agenda items will be discussed and recommend that presenters be prepared to speak as early as the posted meeting start time. The Board and its Committees may alter the order of agenda items at the meeting.

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