Operating Statistics - 2016
13. TTC Stop Stats
Total number of service stops served by TTC vehicles in Toronto and the GTA.
Total number of bus stops (inside Toronto).
Total number of bus stops (outside of Toronto served by contracted TTC vehicles).
Total number of streetcar stops (all inside Toronto).
Total number of stops with shelters.
Total number of accessible stops served by TTC vehicles in Toronto and the GTA (7,283 within Toronto [7,254 bus/29 streetcar stops], 533 bus stops outside Toronto).
Request Stop Program
Any TTC customer who is travelling alone by bus, between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., can take advantage of the TTC’s Request Stop Program. Request Stop allows a customer who may be feeling vulnerable to exit the bus at a location between regular TTC stops. Here’s how it works:
- When the customer is at least one TTC stop ahead of where he or she would like to exit the bus, he or she will advise the Operator that a Request Stop is being made. Please note that the Operator must be able to stop the bus safely to meet the request.
- The customer will exit the bus by the front doors. The rear doors will remain closed. Reminder: Request Stop is not available on streetcars. Streetcars travel in the middle of the roadway too far from the sidewalk to let customers exit the vehicle safely at an unmarked stop.
Stops Between Stops
TTC Operators may exercise discretion when it comes to stopping their bus between regular TTC stops for any customers expressing a genuine need to exit the vehicle, regardless of gender or time of day. The only restrictions are:
- Whatever the location, the TTC vehicle must be able to stop in a safe manner.
- The Operator must have an unobstructed view out of the front doors and must be able to inspect the bus mirrors.
- Whatever the reason to stop between stops, the person making the request must truly be in need (i.e. personal safety or has a disability).