Jane Station - Bus Loop On-Grade Paving Rehabilitation

Effective July 2024


Starting as early as mid-July 2024* – early 2025*

*Pending weather, unforeseen site conditions and events.


What we are doing and why?

As part of the State of Good Repair Program, from mid-July 2024 to early 2025, TTC will improve the Jane Station bus loop by installing new concrete to replace sections of damaged asphalt. The work is required to preserve the structure of the bus loop.


TTC Surface Route Impacts:

During construction, all routes servicing the bus loop will be diverted to nearby subway stations, continuing to serve Jane Station on-street.


Jane Station service changes:

  • 35 Jane / 335 Jane / 935 Jane Express
    • Buses will drop customers off at a new stop located on Jane Street at Bloor Street West.
    • Buses will pick customers up at an existing stop located on Jane Street, just outside the bus loop.
  • 26 Dupont and 55 Warren Park
    • Buses will drop off customers at a new stop located on Jane Street at Folkes Street, approximately 200 meters or a two-minute walk north of Jane Station.
    • Buses will pick customers up at an existing stop located on Jane Street, just outside the bus loop.
    • Customers may also remain on board the bus and travel to Runnymede Station.
  • Wheel-Trans services will remain accessible from the Jane Station Armadale Avenue entrance.   


    Runnymede Station service changes:

  • 26 Dupont and 55 Warren Park
    • Buses will drop off and pick up customers within the Runnymede Station bus loop.
  • 71 Runnymede
    • Buses will drop customers off within the Runnymede Station bus loop. Buses will then continue on as route 77 Swansea.
    • Buses will pick customers up at an existing stop located on Runnymede Road, just outside the bus loop.
  • 77 Swansea
    • Buses will drop customers off at an existing stop located on Runnymede Road, just outside the bus loop. Buses will then continue on as route 71 Runnymede.
    • Buses will pick customers up within the Runnymede Station bus loop.


    Wayfinding signage will be in place to direct customers between the station and on-street stop locations.


    What to expect during construction:


    Crews at Jane Station will be making improvements to the bus loop.

  • Access to subway platforms will be maintained.
  • Pedestrian access to the station and City Right of Way (ROW) will be open and safely separated from the construction site via chain link fence.
  • Customer movement will not be impeded and will be barrier-free while navigating to and from TTC transit stops in the area.


    Traffic and pedestrian restrictions:


  • During construction, the bus loop will be taken out of service.
  • Customers may also remain on board the bus and travel to Runnymede Station.
  • Buses will pick customers up at an existing stop located on Jane Street, just outside the bus loop.


Noise, vibration, and work hours:


Noise, dust and vibration associated with construction can be expected with this work. Efforts will be made to keep levels to a minimum.


The majority of the work will take place between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. On rare occasions, as permitted or if required, some overnight and weekend work (including Sundays and during subway non-operating hours) will take place during the course of this project in order to complete the work as quickly as possible.


More information on service impacts is available here: https://www.ttc.ca/riding-the-ttc/Updates/Jane-Station-construction


Thank you for your patience as we work to improve transit in Toronto.  


For further information:

Jorida Malevi
Community Liaison Officer





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