Greenwood Station Easier Access Elevator Project
*Pending weather, possible third-party union strikes and unforeseen site conditions and events.
For background information, please visit the project page.
What we are doing and why:
The TTC’s Easier Access Program is making subway stations accessible. The TTC is conducting work at Greenwood Station to make it accessible in 2025*.
The overall project will be conducted in various stages. A Community pre-construction presentation is posted on the project page.
The project will create a barrier-free path from the main entrance to all levels of the station including installation of:
- Two elevators to access eastbound and westbound platforms
- Automatic sliding station entry doors
- Improved signage
- CCTV – Security cameras along the accessible pathway
- Public art installation as a part of the TTC Public Art Program
Stage 6 Construction Conceptual Image – estimated to be completed in Summer 2025*
*Pending weather, possible third-party union strikes and unforeseen site conditions and events.
- Construction continues underground, on street level around the station building, and within the station.
- Sidewalk at Linnsmore Crescent and Strathmore Boulevard restored to pedestrian traffic.
- Noise and vibration should be expected with this work.
- Construction trucks, equipment and site staff will be present in the general area.
- No impacts to subway service on Line 2 - Bloor Danforth.
Greenwood Station Bus Loop Re-open

- 31 Greenwood bus service will continue to extend to Coxwell Station to provide an accessible connection for any customers requiring elevators. Buses to Eastern Ave. and Queen St. East will board at Bay 2, while buses to Coxwell Station will board at Bay 1.
- Regular service levels will be maintained.
- Access to the station will be maintained throughout construction.
Noise, vibration and work hours:
Noise, dust and vibration associated with construction can be expected with this work. Efforts will be made to keep levels to a minimum.
Majority of the work will take place between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday to Friday, and on Saturday after 9 a.m. is expected, with work after hours and on Sunday after 9 a.m. if required. As permitted, some overnight work will be required during the course of this project for safety and efficiency.
Generators will be used during work hours to assist with various construction activities.
During cold weather, the heaters must operate 24/7 to maintain a controlled temperature inside the elevator pits depending on the site activity, i.e., concrete curing.
If you would like to be added to the project email list (in order to receive future updates about this project), please email me at
For further information
Jorida Malevi, Community Liaison Officer,