Wheel-Trans Community Feedback
The TTC conducted in-person and online community consultations to listen to customer feedback on improving the Wheel-Trans service and Family of Services (FOS).
The consultations were part of the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee’s (TAAC) motions approved in the TTC’s February board meeting. Please click here to read the TAAC motions.
The attendees included Wheel-Trans customers, support persons, and members of community-based organizations that support or advocate for people with disabilities. An external facilitator from LURA Consulting facilitated the consultations, and Forum Research Inc., an independent research firm, conducted the survey.
Customer feedback was gathered in the following ways:
• Hybrid public meetings: On April 16 and 18, 2024, in-person and online meetings were held to listen to customer suggestions, feedback, and comments. The meetings were held at the Metro Hall - Rotunda, 55 John Street, Toronto, ON M5V 3C6. The meetings were also live-streamed. Please find the video recordings below. Around 110 people participated in the event between the two days.
• Online survey: Customers also shared their feedback by participating in the Wheel-Trans Service Community Feedback Survey. Customers could complete the survey online or by calling Wheel-Trans Customer Service at 416-393-4111. A total of 830 people participated in the survey.
Feedback gathered through the consultations and the survey will be presented to the TTC Board and TTC’s Advisory Committee for Accessible Transit (ACAT) by the second quarter of 2024 and to the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee (TAAC) by the third quarter of 2024.
Join the April 16, 2024, meeting virtually (or in person at the Metro Hall - Rotunda, 55 John Street, Toronto, ON M5V 3C6)
Please click here to join the meeting.
Webinar number: 2331 841 2258
Webinar password: BFm3FPY69JK (23633796 from phones and video systems)
Join by phone:
+1-647-484-1598 Canada Toll (Toronto)
1-844-621-3956 Canada/United States Toll-FreeAccess code: 233 184 12258
Join the April 18, 2024, meeting virtually (or in person at the Metro Hall - Rotunda, 55 John Street, Toronto, ON M5V 3C6)
The information presented in this meeting will be identical to that provided on April 16, 2024.
Please click here to join the meeting.
Webinar number: 2338 516 0589
Webinar password: K6TnMkPmH28 (56866576 from phones and video systems)
Join by phone:
+1-647-484-1598 Canada Toll (Toronto)
1-844-621-3956 Canada/United States Toll-FreeAccess code: 233 851 60589
- Online survey: You can also share your feedback by participating in the Wheel-Trans Service Community Feedback Survey. All responses are confidential. The survey will be open until April 30, 2024.
To participate in the survey, please visit: Wheel-Trans Community Feedback Survey.
If you want to complete the survey by telephone, please call Wheel-Trans Customer Service at 416-393-4111.
For any other questions, please contact Wheel-Trans Customer Service by email at wtcs@ttc.ca or by phone at 416-393-4111.