Why is Line 3 not being updated instead of building a subway extension?
One of the project objectives for the Line 2 East Extension is to keep Line 3 in service during construction. Line 3 would have to be taken out of service and customers would have to be accommodated on buses during construction if Line 3 were reconstructed.
The critical problem affecting the existing Line 3 is that the vehicles are almost 35 years old and in need of replacement. However, that particular vehicle is obsolete and the newer model that is available is too large for the existing facility and would require physical changes to the infrastructure, for example, the reconstruction of existing structures where there are tight curves.
When will Line 3 be taken out of service?
The current objective is to keep Line 3 operating until the opening of the Line 2 East Extension.
How will the subway extension be built?
The two main techniques used to build the subway extension are tunnel boring and "cut and cover" construction.
When will construction start?
Early construction work moving utilities began in 2018. Construction start dates for the tunnel and station are currently under review.
How fast will the tunnel be bored?
Depending on soil conditions, the tunnel boring machine can progress approximately 15 metres per day.
Who is paying for the extension?
The Line 2 East Extension Subway project is jointly funded by the Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario and the City of Toronto.
What is an Emergency Exit Building?
Emergency exit buildings extend from the underground tunnel to the surface and provide an exit route for customers in an emergency. They are required at a maximum spacing of 762 metres along the subway line. The Line 2 East Extension includes eight emergency exit buildings.
What is an Emergency Service Building?
An emergency services building is a facility that incorporates an emergency exit and tunnel ventilation fans and associate rooms. The location of the buildings are determined through computer simulations and are generally only required where longer sections of tunnel require additional ventilation systems to ensure safe operation of the subway.
What is a Traction Power Substation?
Traction power substations provide electrical power to the trains and other lighting and equipment. In order to provide power to the subway a substation must be located every 2 to 2.5 kilometres along the subway line.
The Line 2 East Extension includes two standalone traction power substations.
What is a Ventilation Shaft?
To protect customers, a key component of the fire and life safety systems in the subway are fans and ventilation systems, which are installed in each station or in Emergency Service Buildings if required. High capacity ventilation fans vertically pull air into or push air out of the tunnels and stations, should fire or smoke enter the subway system. In the unlikely event of a fire emergency in the tunnel – the ventilation shaft has been designed to release smoke away from adjacent buildings.
There will be five ventilation shafts added for this extension, three ventilation shafts will be co-located with emergency exit buildings.
What type of subway trains will operate on the extension?
The type of train that will run on the extension is under review and will either be the refurbished T1 or Toronto Rocket.
How long will it take to get from Kennedy Station to Scarborough Centre Station?
It will take approximately six to seven minutes to travel from Kennedy Station to the end of the line at Scarborough Centre Station.